Sunday, November 8, 2009

By Popular Demand

I have been back in the states for two weeks. For the most part I have adjusted well. Sleep schedule is normal (I never had much of a problem sleeping), I think I may finally be over the intestinal stomach death (following another trip to the doctor which was indicative of what I think Government run health care will be like), and things seem to be going well, although my fantasy football team sucks. I went to the UT football game on Saturday. Last weekend we went to a softball tournament in Temple and took the new RV trailer. I have enjoyed living a normal life, and it has been great catching up with friends and family.

We are in the process of buying a new house. If you know anyone who needs a house in Austin, let me know, I happen to know of one for sale.

I was at Fort Hood on the 5th when the shooting incident took place. I left post at 1:15 and found out about it when I got home. It was surreal to think I just missed it. It was also uncomfortable to know that if I was involved with something like that, I could not defend myself. If I was in Iraq, I would be able to, but even if you have a CHL, you can't carry on post. My thoughts and prayers go to the families and the units involved.

I will post some thoughts on Veterans Day later. Hope you are well, thanks for the many welcome homes and good wishes.
