Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What do you want to know?

Been a busy couple of days, and I was feeling like we are making some head way. My Iraqi Brigade Commander bit on a few of the suggestions I had thrown out there for him, and the staff was plugging along to make them happen.

Then he decided to go on leave. He doesn't tell me when he is going to be back, mostly due to his concern for his own personal protection. In fact, he really doesn't tell anyone when he'll be back. But things never run as smooth as when he's here. Typical of any organization, I suppose. Oh well; we continue to plug along.

Hard to believe there are only 7 or so more days until Christmas. It doesn't feel much like Christmas here. In fact, every day feels like a Tuesday... It's not Monday, as we are here and have been doing this for a while. It's not Wednesday, as we are just getting into this. It won't be Friday until, well, a long time from now. Just plain, old, mashed potato-sandwich-bland type of boring.

This quasi-stagnation and interruption of Iraqi momentum has left me with not a lot to write about... So what questions do you have? What do you want to know about? Send me a note or hit the comments button and I'll answer it.

Thanks for reading. Enjoy your holiday shopping, and take care.



Anonymous said...


I just received the URL for the blog and have caught up. What if anything have you seen/heard with regards to the Iraqi Journalist who threw his shoes at Bush?

Word on the news is that many in the country want him released.

We will continue to read your blog.

Rick (Your Neighbor)

Anonymous said...

Sir -

What is your relationship, if any, with the American unit(s) in the area your Iraqi Army counterpart operates?

- M. Burgoon