Monday, May 30, 2011

Thoughts on Memorial Day, Stolen from Another Friend's Blog

Been a rough couple of days, and I wasn't going to talk about Memorial Day, but I read the piece below on another friend's blog, so I stole it.

"I am a veteran. My three brothers are veterans. I am privileged to be in command of hundreds of other veterans. Gone is the innocence of Memorial Day Weekends of youth. It's no longer about beach, cookouts, green lawns, blue skies, and laughter. Indeed, I don't understand when folks say, "Happy Memorial Day." It has taken on new meaning, the real meaning. It's about memories, remembering friends who have gone down in the fight. Friends that you laughed with, went to school with, grew up with, and now lie peacefully in places like Arlington, VA and Columbus, WI. It's about hanging out last night with a widow and her two children as they honored their dad, and the simple tree planted in his name. So for me, I have only one wish this year. If you read this, and you are my friend, don't thank me for my service, don't give me 5% off my Starbucks, don't worry about yellow ribbons; rather, do me this one favor: tell your children that there is another calling out there. Tell them there is something more honorable than dreaming of being the next American Idol, or NFL star, or reality TV star, or stock broker, or hollywood star, or big law firm attorney. Talk to your kids about serving their country and their fellow citizens. Tell them of the sacrifice of those we remember today. It can't always be someone else's child that goes over there. It is an honor, a sacrifice, and a privilege to wear this uniform, I hope, when you talk to your children on this Memorial Day, you pass that on."

Cheers to Mike, and all of the fallen who we remember today.



Anonymous said...


When are you headed back for your r&r? John OES jpr98 at hot mail

Bob said...


Excellent thoughts. May you and your men return home safely.
