Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday in the barracks

Sundays are interesting here.

Well, ok, they aren't really all that interesting... This morning consisted of a breakfast I could sit and enjoy and watch some TV, a little bit of laundry, and maybe a trip to the gym but mostly out of boredom. And then football.

But I did notice something yesterday... Last night I went to go see Righteous Kill with Pachino and DeNiro. (Not bad. Not great either, but not bad.) It was my first time to get away from the barracks and get away from the people in the barracks in a while, the same people who have the same background and occupation and goals and views as I do.

I discovered that I have become acclimated to my little world of Camp Funston. At the theater people wore different clothes. There were all kinds of people there: Men of all different sizes, women of all different sizes, people with hair-- just lots of different. The cars were all different. There was a choice of food. They talked of different things and they engaged in something other than work. I sort of felt as if I was an outsider; almost like it was a foreign country.

Well, it is. It is KANSAS, after all.....

I find it interesting to see how you can adapt to different environments. I sort of went through this when I came back from Korea-- I couldn't remember where the spoons were in the house-- My own house was foreign to me. Yet what was previously foreign became the familiar, and my own home was foreign. The really funny thing is that I didn't think that this place was all that different, until I left it and went back to the 'normal' world. It's only been about two months since I showed up here (13 to go--- woooo...) but the change and acceptance of familiarity happens so quick.

The training continues. On Thursday we qualified on all of our indivifual weapons (and of course it rained). We have a busy week coming up. We have two late nights on ranges and we are starting to get into the weeds of some collective training.

Saw some of the pictures from Ike and its redecorating of Galveston. Wow. My thoughts and prayers go out to those folks.

Hope you are well. Take care.

Ron (AKA: Barracks Rat)

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