Thursday, April 16, 2009


Stuff: Everybody keeps asking me what should they send? There's lots of things I want, but don't necessarily need. For going on two years now, I have lived in relative austerity-- when I was at Fort Leavenworth, I lived in some condemned housing on post with a guy I was a platoon leader with, I hoboed it in tents and 40-man barracks for three months at Fort Riley, Kuwait, and Taji, and here I live in what can best be described as a shipping container. It't kind of liberating to know you really don't need much. But, since you asked, food and stuff to read seems to be particularly nice, and also music... Our bandwidth doesn't support iTunes very well. Wheat thins, tuna, pringles, instant oatmeal, sugar free flavorings to add to bottled water, peanut butter and jelly, are also suggestions. Thanks for thinking of us.

I haven't used metal eating utensils or real plates since October. You wouldn't think you'd miss that, but you do.

I miss a shower that doesn't change water temperature and pressure every five seconds. I miss a shower that actually drains. I miss a shower I fit in. I suppose I should be happy I have one.

I miss having a choice in what to eat for dinner. I miss eating real food for dinner, too.

Good luck to Sluggo as she tries out for 6th Grade band this weekend... She wants to play the drums. (note to self: bring home extra ear pro...)

Of course I miss Super Big Gulps of Diet Coke.

I didn't think I'd miss Easter that much, but I really missed the family aspect of it this year.

John Madden retiring: Bummer. Gonna miss him.

We are almost at six months, and we are on track to accomplish just about everything I wanted to get done with the IA. Where do we go from here (other than home)? I told my Iraqi Brigade Commander the other night that sooner or later we would leave. No doubt we will leave LOTS of stuff for the Iraqis and I'm sure they will love that. But he paused and said "it makes me sad to hear you talk that way" (through a translator, of course). Sometimes I wonder about this guy, but I really think he is appreciative of what America has done for his country. He is also extremely envious of our Polaris ATV, and wants it very badly. If it ever comes up missing, I know where I'm going first.

Cory Scanlon-- I answered your question in the comments part, but if you want a follow-up, shoot me an email Glad you guys are enjoying it back at UT. Would love to go back there as the Professor of Military Science, but not sure it is in the cards. Plus, with my wife being an Aggie, not sure she would support TWO tours at UT...

That's about it. Hope you are well. Take care.

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