Saturday, August 22, 2009

Holy crap, it's hot...

Kinda warm this week.

With regards to the uptick in violence, it is interesting to see the Iraqi Army and Iraqi Government reaction. The bombs in Baghdad and Babil killed over 100 and injured over 700 all total. Iraq got punched in the nose. Lots of theories abound over who did it. Most point to Al Qaeda, others point to political parties that are Maliki's rivals, trying to show the Government is incapable of providing security and essential services for the people. But, to the Government's credit and the Army's credit, they detained 11 high ranking military officials who were responsible for the lax security.
Wow, accountability in Government. How novel. Wonder if you'd ever see that in America.
I watched my Iraqi Brigade Commander hold a meeting with his Battalion Commanders last night. I had a laundry list of recommendations to pose to him to improve security, but I waited until after the meeting to discuss the issues with him. As he spoke with his commanders, he was deliberate, precise, and relevant. One by one he made all of the same comments I would have. He closed the meeting with his intent to execute over 200 warrants for bad guys in the next two days. They started at 5am this morning.
It was good to observe. Maybe I am jaded, or too attached to the unit, having been here for 10 months, but in our area the IA seems very capable. I hope it stays that way.
Ramadan starts tomorrow. That should be interesting.
Hope you are well-- take care.

1 comment:

J & Cara said...

Hey Ron,
It has been a while since I have left a comment on your blog. It sounds like you are getting along well. What is your countdown? You should be nearing the end of your deployment.
Take care and try to stay cool,