Monday, August 10, 2009

Yesterday's bombings and what they mean

A bunch of stuff blew up yesterday, but not much was made of it. The bombings are likely done by Sunni extremists trying to incite civil war 2006 style (pure speculation on my part).

But nobody made a big deal about it-- after all, it is Iraq, and as callous as it may sound, things do tend to blow up from time to time. All the news reports (American; the Iraqis didn't make much of it) painted a picture of doom and gloom, and hinted we were taking steps backwards. My view (tunneled through my Iraqi unit) is that they are as good as they are willing to let us make them, and from here they have to figure it out for themselves.

Except this one, which I thought paints an accurate picture:

Yesterday I went to the big American base by the airport for a logistics run, and I had to go see finance to get a pay issue resolved. Life looked overly normal there. Those people are fighting a different war. It looks like we imported a US Garrison state and mindset, complete with buffed floors, EO Policy bulletin boards, and flyers for salsa nite at MWR. Makes you wonder how we are ever going to get all that nice living crap home by 2012.

It was another day in Iraq, I suppose, and there are only less than 70 left.

Hope all's well- take care.

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