Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Rock and a Hard Place

I'm going to paraphrase a recent exchange concerning a problem I encountered that I'm in the middle of.

The IA recently made a decision to do something they can't support logistically, and are expecting US assistance with. Unfortunately, since these days we are in the business of transferring authority and responsibility to the IA, we aren't allowed to support them logistically any more, and they have to use the Iraqi logistics system, which isn't very user friendly and much harder to use than just asking the Americans.

This is a good policy. For too long US units used logistic capacity and capability to buy influence with the IA. Sometimes we use resources to get the IA to do things they wouldn't normally do-- call it a carrot and stick approach. Most American units will give whatever they have; they think it is the reason we are here, to make the IA more self-sufficient, which is true to a point. Unfortunately, there are unintended consequences to providing assistance, namely they just ask us for stuff instead of using their systems. Here is how my night went:

IA Commander: We need X, y, and X. So are you going to help us with our problem?

Me: Well, have you figured out what you need? How much of x, y and z do you need? Have you measured it out and do you have a plan?

IA Commander: We need a lot of assistance with this problem.

Me: Sure. But if you figure out exactly how much of each you need, you can request it through your channels.

IA Commander: (eye roll)

Me: You know, someday we are going to leave, and you guys are going to have to be self sufficient. You should start using your systems now so your guys are trained on them and know how to use them after we leave.


IA Commander: I also need a map. Can I have your map? (I had a map I was using to show him some things)

Me: Saydi (Iraqi for Sir) I can't. The other day I was told I can't give you things any more, in an effort to energize your systems so they can be more efficient. You need to first figure out what you need-- how can you get things if you don't even know the specifics of what it is you need?

IA Commander: The God will provide. You will see.

I was at a loss for words. I often criticize the Western way of planning; we tend to overplan the crap out of things. Our huge staff sections overanalyze the problem, and our unwieldy staff processes are too big to be agile or effective. But this was the complete opposite of the spectrum. "Wing it" is an Iraqi doctrinal principle. Sometimes The God works it out for them. And when it doesn't, they just accept it and move on.

The bad thing is that eventually he will find an American who will say yes.

Take care.

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