Friday, February 4, 2011

Camp Buering

Camp Buering is a good-sized base in Kuwait. It is in the middle of nowhere, but on top of a lot of oil. This place wasn't around for our Intrinsic Action rotation in 1997, but this place is much nicer. We pretty much had just junk tents back then, and we had to burn our own poo. Buering is significantly better- Soldiers sleep in fortified tents with heat/AC (they can hold up to 85, so it gets a bit of a funk going), they have three giant chow halls that serve four times a day, they have a big gym, some rec centers, and we shower in trailers. Remarkably, all water (really everything) is trucked to this place daily. I am told the camp can hold up to 15,000-20,000. They do have some fast food joints, you can pay $12/week for really bad wireless internet, there is an internet cafe and some AT&T phones, and the USO has a fantastic facility here.

Plug: If you want to support the troops, then donate to the USO, the money is well spent. The USO tent here has *free* phone calls to the US, an internet cafe, TVs with sports, video games, books, games and card tournaments, and a decor that doesn't look like a tent (nice furniture, real walls, etc). They also have a cool program where you can pick out a book to read to your child and a place to record it on video, then they give you the book, the video of you reading it to your child, and an envelope to mail it home. All for free. The people who work there are always friendly, and they do a fantastic job of supporting Soldiers.

Around Buering is.....nothing. Literally. Imagine the most barren desert, this one is more barren. There are some ranges we shoot and train on, and there are bedouins and camels. And blowing trash (Kuwaiti wildlife). That's it.

Thanks for reading- see ya.


Patty Mullins said...

Glad you are safe (well... as safe as you can be under the circumstances) and more comfortable than you have been in the past on similar missions. Proud that you were once my classmate... gosh, that was a lifetime ago. I agree that the USO is awesome! Take care, my friend!

Cecilia said...

Glad you are safe. Really doesn't sound like my kind of tent! Thougth about you tonight when we watched Top Shot on the History channel. You'll have to see if you can pull it up on the internet and watch it.

It was great having Shannon and Hailey over last night. Hailey is a real trooper. The marshmellow ambush on Shannon video was pretty funny. Gotta say, I've never seen a marshmellow bow.

Take Care and Stay Safe!