Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Kuwait progresses. Sleep schedule is still dorked up, I remain magically awake from about 2 to 4 am. Accomodations are fine; we have about 30 guys in our tent but it is a big tent. Food is great, they still have fountain diet coke. the fellas continue to arrive, and the training isn't bad.

A couple of small glitches so far. One, one of our planes has been significantly delayed in Maine. We have renamed this flight Oceanic 815 (shot out out "Lost") as we have not heard from them in some time. Should get another update later today.

Another tick on the adventure meter: The mission we were going to do changed, and now we have to regroup. We had planned to send all of our stuff to one particular place and assume a certain mission, now it has to quickly be redirected to another place and a much more ambiguous mission (no not Egypt or Afghanistan-- still Iraq). It will involve heading to a completely different area of Iraq far and away from the rest of the Brigade but we have to start from scratch- find a place to live, rally equipment, figure out who we work for, get linked in with new headquarters. There are not words to describe the calamity of this switch in our travel plans, but at least it is making the time go by fast.

Tomorrow is a range! Nothing like shooting for free, but the weather looks kinda scuzzy. Should be fun though.

Going north in a couple of days before everyone else. More to follow. Stay tuned!


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